The Rarest Diamond In The World

Last thursday the GIA certified natural color fancy vivid yellowish orange diamond ring of my  wildest & deepest desire I ordered from Leibish & Co. finally arrived. It travelled from 3  different countries & various states before I finally laid eyes on it here in the 'city of gold & golden friendship'. I used to think that the most beautiful gems of them all is a D colorless & flawless diamond until I saw this natural color vivid orange diamond for the first time! And of all the precious gems I have this one have the HIGHest concentrated value for the smallest volume & this expensive purchased had increased my value or wealth for it is worth so much more than what I paid for it.
It is the most beautiful diamond ring I have ever seen! The contrast of the natural color vivid orange diamond against the shiny 18kt white gold precious metal metal & fine brilliant colorless white diamonds is like 'lava against ice'.

This is not my first natural color diamond, I already have a small radiant cut fancy light orange diamond & a round brilliant fancy vivid purple that changes color to a raspberry deep pink or reddish and also less common natural color diamonds like peach less less rarer color like yellowish white or faint yellow and champagne.

Before I treasure natural color diamonds more for their rarity than beauty but once you see the best of the very best natural color diamond it will automatically change your preference over colorless diamonds. 

The world's foremost authority in gemology GIA (Gemological Institute Of America) stated on their diamond grading course material that 'a pure orange diamond with no hint of brown is probably diamond's rarest color'. But if you asked various natural color diamond dealers you will get different answers as well, probably because natural color diamonds are so rare it's hard to get enough data of their existence to be able to judge which one is the rarest. 

The HIGHest prized diamonds are not always the rarest it just happened that at the moment of sale it is the most beautiful & rarest natural color diamond a collector or investor had found! And natural color diamonds appreciates in value HIGHer & faster than real estates or any other forms of investments!

Due to the conflicting opinion of which natural color diamond is the rarest Stephen Hofer a reknowed gemologist & cutter had listed orange diamond in the 'exceptional rarity' on his book 'Collecting & Classifying Coloured Diamonds' together with red, green, blue, and purple. So I assume the lists is in random order so any of the said diamonds are actually the rarest but that was an old book and the rarest have been recently updated and the rarest diamonds in no particular order are as follows; violet, orange, red and purple. 
In their purest colors these are the rarest of diamonds and the HIGHest prized are usually the most in demand! But then again the purest may not be the rarest as a combination of rarer colors could actually make a natural color diamond more rare or more expensive like a red orange or reddish orange could sell for more than a pure orange diamond! 
This vivid pumpkin orange diamond is so incredibly beautiful I am lost for words and it looks so much more beautiful in person than in pictures or videos. This is what they call in the trade a pumpkin orange diamond which is a term used for the rarest purest shade of orange diamond! 
'Gems are the flowers of the mineral kingdom & the fancy coloured diamond is the orchid.' ~ R.J. Hauy, 1817
Natural color diamonds are truly the ultimate of collector's gems. For every 10,000 colorless white diamonds only 1 is a natural color diamond. They are in HIGH demand by the true connoissuers and diamond investors. Much like orchids are for hobbyist, natural color diamonds are for the most educated of diamond collectors, for these natural color diamonds are nature's rarest & most beautiful forms of art. These are diamonds that people will look at in awe & fascinates & gives them a deep sense of desire & once you go fancy you never go back to white. 🍎

I Have A Perfect Song For This!


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