Introducing Peridot & Aqua! 💚

Ladies and gentlemen introducing Valentina's litter's Peridot (ginger) and Aqua (tuxedo) at 19 days old today! Their other siblings Olive & Olivine died a few hours after they were born. Born on August 1st and so I named them after the birthstone for the month of August which is peridot! Except for Aqua because I named him after the late 'Water' the tuxedo kitten of Emerald murdered by Valentina and because they look similar I feel Aqua is a replacement. 

When Peridot & Aqua can start eating on their own I might as well separate them from their crazy mother coz today Valentina attacked my disabled kitten Earth so I have no choice but to jail her after giving her so many chances. Though I will only put her in a cage while I'm away from the house coz she still have her rights to freedom or to roam around from time to time even though she's a threat to the safety & security of other kittens & cats & I'm even scared she will eat her own litters one day. And talking about prisons did you know only 0.2% of prison inmates in the United States are atheists? It means people like me are the most humane and advocates of human rights even though I HIGHly support President Duterte's 'War On Drugs' & the restoration of capital punishment of death penalty to henious crimes including murder of animals even though I did not imposed death penalty to Valentina after killing my kitten 'Water' & attempting to murder Earth & terrorizing my other kittens & my favorite cat named Emerald.😂
Imagine if only I attended the christening of my cousin's baby I would have returned home seeing the dead body of my favorite kitten & I almost went there coz I instructed my mother to bought me at the last minute a gorgeous fuschia pink gown este polo shirt to wear on that religious occasion & I would have steal the show if I went there specially wearing the amazing Leibish & Co. pumpkin orange diamond ring! 😂 
Thanked God I skipped the event & besides christening is a religious occasion & I'm an atheist & somehow promotes & defends atheism & I would make me a total hypocrite if I attended the christening. 😆

And also talking about peridots I have to admit it is one of my least favorite gemstone because most of them are olive green or khaki green in color which I don't really find visually appealing. 
But peridots do come in many different beautiful shades of green like the mouthwatering bright lime green and vivid yellowish greens the closest to emerald green in color. Though peridot is considered a semi-precious stone but the finest varieties are getting rarer and supply doesn't meet the huge demand but still compared to many other precious gems peridots is relatively cheap, affordable or reasonably priced which is great news for those born in the month of August coz they can easily afford to buy the best peridot for their budget and they can buy them BIG & BOLD! 

FUN FACT: Did you know many if not all of Cleopatra's favorite gem are actually peridots and not emeralds? If the most beautiful, powerful & richest woman in history liked peridots so much above all other gems then I don't see any reason why can't we? 
Also did you know that some meteorites that crashed on Earth contains microscopic peridot crystals? And rare large extraterrestial peridots are HIGHly sought after by mineralogists or gem collectors and can sell for millions of dollars! 
Meteorite peridots is probaby the inspiration behind 'kryptonite' radioactive stones of the Superman movies or tv series such as Smallville & you know what would really make me weak? Extraterrestial emerald green peridots! You don't have to know why but anything out of this world is always going to be my cup of tea. 🌠 

I Have A Perfect Song For This! 💚


  1. We are all stardusts because we are all made of stars.

    1. The most beautiful things we can experience is the mysterious. It is the cradle and the source of all true arts & science. ~ Albert Eienstein

      And yet after knowing something another unknown is revealed and we're back to square one because knowing ourselves is the most puzzling equation of them all.

    2. That is the reason why we are all looking for special things inside all of us?

    3. So how did you punished Valentina for murdering Water and attempting to murder Earth your two favorite kittens?

    4. Well thank you for that wonderful question my imaginary fan!

      Well I punished Valentina by putting her inside the freezer until she was able to get out though I had intentions of getting her out till I'm satisfied. Then the I prevented her from coming to my house and scarring her throwing things at her and splashing her with water sometimes hot. She really got terrorized and she finally gave up showing up to our property though I feel guilty coz she was pregnant that time but eventually months later I courted her back and it took awhile for her to be not afraid of me anymore & she was so scrawny and thin so I started feeding and loving her again as if she didn't commit any serious crime. She also tried bringing her two kittend which is about 2 months old into our property but they are very aloof & scared of humans until they just left though I see one of them alone in the abandoned house of our neighbor and won't listen to my call and looks depressed. Somehow I feel guilty about it coz If I didn't throw out Valentina out of our house during her pregnancy she would have raised her litters here and grow up healthy & be good cat citizens. I punished Valentina but it turns out I also hurt my precious feelings by the effects of my judgements & punishments to her.


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