August Golden Fiestas 🍻

Last August 16, 2017 is the fiesta of my hometown Lapasan honoring the Saint San Roque😇 the patron saint for dogs. 🐶

My family used to celebrate BIG during this occasion many many years ago with countlesa visitors flocking into our house mostly my father's and my mother's officemates and my siblings classmates & sometimes mine. My parents used to spend 10k pesos or $200 back then just for the occasion which is worth probably 20k or $400 today! That's alot of money to spend on a single day especially to someone like me who is an absolute epitome of trifty & frugality! In fact jewelries are the only things I splurge with little caution & it's ok coz they're good investments as all jewelries I have bought since have appreciated by at least 200%! 

Barangay Lapasan where I live most of my life is the center of Cagayan de Oro and it is safe to say it is the most expensive street address bcoz it is where the BIGgest malls, schools and most expensive real estate and finest hotels are situated just a stones throw away from each other. Long before Lapasan became what it is now today it used to be a fishing town, agricultural and livestock area are the main source of income. I live near the beach which is kinda polluted after all the developments and the increased of inhabitants. 

As a shy person I seldomly roam around the area where I live bcoz it seems I am only comfortable roaming around the area where most people are strangers to me but my family have lived here for over 30 years and biking is the only way I get to familiarized from every nooks & crannies of my hometown and as the years go by many faces had become unrecognizable, many are new and some remained desame. There are a few people who had left a mark in my memory & this may sound strange but the people I miss the most are those who are not worthy of remembering to most people. I miss those two crazy old man, one is called Attorney who dressed up in graduating costume or toga & he just asked for food from anyone & if I catch him I give him snacks and sometimes he talks or talks to himself & when I gave him food he was so full of gratitude & he even wrote it on paper and give it to me detailing what I did & he even knew the name of our neighbor & to my surprised his grammar is perfectly fine! People say he lost his mind after failing the bar exams. Another crazy person is named Timoy and the story why he lost his mind is bcoz of the war trauma he experienced coz he used to be a soldier then some people said he is a spy. Another strange people I miss is Karang Karang who most people accused as being a witch & everyone seems to hide when she walks nearby some kids even throw stones at her but there are people who came to her defense. Even back then when I was young I don't believe in witches so her presence doesn't bother me at all. Then Karang Karang also had a relative probably her granddaughter who is also bullied & discriminated for how scarry she looks almost like a thinner and female version of Quasimodo of the Hunchback Of Notredame though she her back is normal only her face got some deformities. One time she came across the street and I yelled at her asking her mathematical questions like 1+1 and she answered 2 then I asked 2+2 she replied 4 then I asked 4+4 she replied 8! I admit I'm kinda a bully when I was young I guess it has something to do with the fact I am also being bullied in school and even at home so when I saw that girl I thought she is weaker than me and less smarter than me which made me surprised how correctly she answered all the questions and how brave she is just standing there confidently answering at my non sense questions then walk away. But I don't find her ugly at all in fact I am fascinated about her & sometimes or moat of the time the most visually pleasing people of all are those who posess intelligence & a good heart. I felt so guilty back then for picking up on her but she gained my respect & deep inside my heart I only wish her and her family well & all the best. Then there was yhis old prostitute who roam around the street in the night dressed like she's still in the 50s and once she looked at at me & starred at & it made me feel she thinks I have money but from the way she dressed in her old dirty clothes & worn out step in shoes & her worn out face I doubt she could find any customer & it really broke my heart & all I could give was pity, there are times I saw her pass by out house & I just look outside the wondow & her face had this saddest hopeless aura & she looked broken & damage & almost crying while walking without tears in her eyes. It's been so long since I saw these unique strange people in my hometown & strangely to many these are the people I will never forget coz they left a mark of in my mind & heart even though they don't know me & I didn't even know their full names.

There are people in my hometown who I think could be a supermodel or a celebrity, our house is just beside the road and one of my favorite hobby is people watching by slightly opening the windows & just look at the people that passes by. I think the most famous person in my hometown is this gorgeous beauty queen who won Miss Cagayan de Oro 2016 & represented CDO at the Miss Philippines Earth 2017 pageant where she won major awards like Best In Swimsuit though she failed to enter the Top 10 coz she was deliberately robbed as she is a frontrunner I mean just lool how she walks in swimsuit!? She is a Miss Universe caliber! 

Last August 28 is the citywide fiesta of Cagayan de Oro honoring the patrol saint San Agustin. I live in CDO most of my life in fact I like it here more than our house in Novaliches Quezon City. Alot of reasons why I like it here is this City Of Gold & Golden Friendship posses the best of both worlds! Urban and rural. Very few cities in the world can have it all. And let me tell you more about my city through biking as you can see places here you wouldn't expect to exist in a city and can be accesible by biking! A small city that is BIG at the same time who have it all! 
This eco tourism village is just inside the city. No tourist wil ever miss this place coz this tourism spot offers more than just scenic views but also an educational tour on the different tribes of Mindanao & how they live are wonderfully demonstrated in this village! 
Not far from the Malasag Eco Village is the Mapawa Nature Park. You can stay here overnight from one of the cottages this place is a wonderful escape from citylife within a city & feels like you're not in the city anymore! 

And when I biking I usually go to the mountain side like this one just 5 minutes away from my house...

And less than an hour from the city proper is my favorite spot in the world. The Initao White Beach! Everytime we come here I usually stay for a few days alone just getting a tan and communing with Mother Nature. The beach area can be crowded on weekends but on weekdays the kilometer long powdery white sand beach is all for yourself! 
Plus there's a few more kilometers of rocky white sand beach coastline and forest with century old trees that is protected as a nature reserve that is not crowded at all! 

And CDO is also near to be best refreshing waterspring and resorts to cleanse the mind, body and soul...

And who's the best example of a Kagay-Anon with a golden heart & golden friendly smile than our very own 'golden girl' Pia Wurtzbach who is the most popular Kagay-Anon in history just by winning Miss Universe 2015! That's no BIG deal right? 

And talking about gold I went on a shopping spree again online buying 3 pieces of 18kt yellow gold jewelry pieces! This time no additional gems just plain gold & the main feature is only the desirable glint of BIG, BOLD, 18kt GOLD! 
24 inch 3mm rope chain
The perfect pendant to the perfect chain!
This 22mm size 10 gold ring is an interesting purchase of mine because not only that I am an atheist but because the last religion I would try believing would be islam & the characters inscribed on this luminous bright gold ring means 'ALLAH'. 

Don't worry  though coz once you go atheist you'll never go back being a believer & besides I can use this ring if I go to a muslim area in The Philippines coz I've always wanted to go to the Sulu Archipelago coz I believe they have the purest & most untamed powdery white sand beaches & undiscovered wildest islands in the world & I'm not even scared of the Abu Sayaff terrorists group who are known to behead their captives bcoz I know no one can afford to hurt or kill a beautiful creature like me! 😍 Coz they rather love me than kill me & maybe they will attempt some sexual advantages on me which is really not a problem & can be negotiable.😆The Sulu Archipelago is one on my bucket lists & one of my wildest dreams is to go there & sneak into Sabah, Malaysia, Borneo, Indonesia & so on & so forth & the only ticket I'm going to bring is my charm & sparkling personality! 😂💪💖

I Have A Perfect Song For That! 


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