A Parcel Arrived Containing Pet Rocks From Thailand!📦

Mr. Postman delivered today a parcel from Thailand (The Gemstone Trading Capital Of The World) containing 3 new pet rocks. By the way I used to think of myself working as a postman coz I love travelling even though I have vertigo problem and like recieving and giving letters & parcels and I like delivering surprises to people! It's a simple and humble job but I don't mind working for FedEx or UPS because I like their uniform! 

Now back to the parcel let's take a look what kind of new rare pet rocks I purchased from Ebay!? 
Well as you can see it is addressed to my mother & for a reason that I'm not willing to divulge in public but I'll give clues anyway and that is I have SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder) & if you know well about that mental issue you'll know why my mother or someone else usually take a role to do things my way or for me. And oops I forgot to watermark the address & my mobilephone number but who cares!? It's not like my enemies are gonna launch a rocket towards me & usually the only person who text & call me is my mother, unless I still have unlimited free texts that comes with my mobile data promo then I'll just texts random strangers to troll or make fun with anonymously.😂
Glad I didn't forget to cover the value of the parcel coz I don't want people knowing how much I've spend for these new rare pet rocks I've acquired! And as a budding businessman (still budding) I should not let people know the trade secrets unless you're worth it! 💱

But off course here's the video of me unboxing my parcel containing new very rare gems! This really made me so excited! This is my first parcel from Thailand and my first ever items I ordered from Ebay delivered to me! I combined shipping 3 items together as a courtesy to the shipper who sold these gems to me at an incredible bargain price to save her/him time & money & also to build business relationship coz I don't think this will be my last order from him/her and yes I don't know the sex of the shipper who sent this parcel to me and I still hope to build relationship!? I mean business relationship! Which probably means we love each other as long as we both benefit financially. Nah I am not like that but who cares!? I don't really care if people believe me or not. 😂
The last time I recieved a parcel that made me so excited and feeling elated or HIGH was on August 30, 2015. When I recieved a parcel from Belgium containing a small extremely rare fancy light pure orange diamond from Langerman Diamonds and of course that was also addressed to my mother! 

As I opened the package I checked the conditions of the stones if they are damaged due to shipping & not all gems have desame durability or hardness even diamonds can get damaged or scratched with mishandling. I remember years ago that I dropped a rare polished Ethiopian opal on the concrete floor and it chipped it! Opal is just slightly more hard than pearls but it can easily be damaged by many circumstances like wearing them while boxing!😂 Now that opal is almost worthless because it is damaged and recutting it would mean losing nearly all of it's weight. So I guess it will be displayed loose as a museum artifact in my place that I planned to display my collections of rare gems, diamonds, pearls & jewelries for everyone to see!😍

And my new pet rocks looks like they are all ok. The 11.45 ct Alexandrite to my surprise is internally flawless! Coz it looks it has visible flaws on the Ebay picture! The 6.90ct Santa Maria Aquamarine is the ideal color for aquamarine, it looks as advertised and it's really beautiful & appears flawless! This is the aquamarine I named 'Felicidad' to honor my late nanny who'm we treated as family & who served within the family for 50 years. She passed away last April 2017 & aquamarine is her birthstone. Now I have a beautiful remembrance of her! 

And finally the the 3.75 ct emerald is a surprised! I named it 'Emerald' well obviously but to honor my fave cat named Emerald who also happened to have green eyes, you see names have powers!💚 And Emerald celebrated her 2nd birthday last May!💚 
This emerald stone is a lighter bright neon green like color different than advertised coz it it looks a vivid grass green on the pictures of Ebay. The inclusions are not 'jardin' like and it have a patch of blue on the side which is unnatural together with the inclusion or it could be just a permanent ink accidentally smudged into it which would be gone with time if that is the case. And patches of color does occur in gems like some of natural color diamonds. 

I am thinking of returning this but then again it's risky and besides I actually like that it's lighter green not vivid grass green coz it is neon like it glows in the shaded areas and the color is very compatible to the intense pink sapphire with visible inclusions that really fits well into the design I had in mind for both of them & I think this bright neon green emerald is a keeper and besides it's unusual eye visible flaws just add character into it & there's beauty in flaws & when it comes to emeralds I tend to prefer them to have eye visible inclusions & most of them do. The color of this emerald is similar to the HUGE emerald (probably 7 to 8 carats) and 2ctw + diamond accented cocktail ring I've seen from my favorite jeweler in town last 2014 worth 70,000 pesos! 
Pictured outside our house in front of shady cloudy day. Too bad there was no sunshine today but the thing about colored gems is that they don't really need the sun to shine for them to look their best. They can be as beautiful in shades☁ or out in the sun⛅ like this mesmerizing emerald for example that looks so bright like it's a glowing evergreen! 💚

Now pictured here outdoors against the backdrop of a shady sun.⛅ You see the tolerable eye visible inclusions of the emerald and the blue patch at the bottom. Despite that I like it very much! If I grade it from 1 to 5 and 1 being the lowest while 5 being the HIGHest i would give it a 3 🌟🌟🌟 rating! A passing grade! 👍

The aquamarine is a 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 rating! It exceeded or at least achieved my expectation. It is flawless and the color is the color of the ideal color of the finest Santa Maria Aquamarine. The color does look like the pleasing color of the pool or the shallow part of a tropical white sand beach! 🌴

This Alexandrite is probably my favorite of the three! This phenomenal stone is the most exciting so far and here's why...


Taken indoors using the spotlighting on my tv phone. I thought this spotlighting is incandescent light💡but I was wrong coz using it the Alexandrite looks pinkish purple but actually there's bluish and greenish overtones not seen in the pictures and videos because it is very difficult to photograph the exact color of a gemstone. The color our eyes sees are usually cannot be photographed accurately & gems are either more beautiful in pictures or in real life & most of the time, gems looks their best seen in person coz no camera lens could truly ever capture the most realistic depiction or beauty of a gemstone. Which reminds me of myself coz I think I do look much better in person than in pictures or videos even the edited or filtered ones. 😂


Now notice the gems pictured in candlelight.🔥 You can see the Aquamarine and Emerald's color seems to remain unchanged while the Alexandrite's vivid purple color changes to a vivid purplish red! ❤

Now this video sum it all! No wonder why they call 'Alexandrite' as a phenomenal gem! To me it's like MAGIC! The color change effect looks best using a candle or incandescent light especially at night as viewing alexandrite indoors when it's morning cannot fully display the color change properly since daylight can still get into the windows, doors etc most lighting used indoors are fluorescent which is a daylight equivalent. Mixed lighting or using fluorescent light or incandescent light and daylight or fluorescent at the same time can make alexandrite look different than when it is only viewed with daylight🌞 or candlelight🔥 only as a singular light source. Which means if you really want to see the 100% color change effect of alexandrite see it not with mixed lighting but see it only at one source of lighting at a time. And when the SUN is shining is the best lighting to see the host color of alexandrite while candlelight🔥is the best lightsource to see the alter ego of alexandrite

July is going to be an exciting month for my gem collecting hobby coz last Saturday I payed the 2nd payment in the sum of $800 to Leibish and the other week a downpayment of $200 dollars totalling $1k grand!💳 That's so far the highest value I've ever sent abroad but I'm not yet finish paying and for how long must I wait finished paying for the extremely rare pumpkin orange diamond from Leibish? Well it seems I will finished paying for the remaining balance in a few days from now! So most likely I'll have in my hands the extremely rare pumpkin orange diamond within next week! Well there's no way for it to go but towards me since it is already reserved to me. And if you're wondering what I am buying from Leibish & Company just click the pumpkin orange! 🎃🍊 And watch this video below!

I Have A Perfect Song For This! 👌


  1. Nice post! This is a very nice blog that I will definitively come back to more times this year! Thanks for informative post.


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