Practical Materialism💸

Am I Materialistic?

That's a wonderful question ladies & gentlemen! Despite my recent aquisition of this extremely rare vivid orange diamond from Leibish & Co. I don't think I am materialistic  because materialistic people only care the most about expensive things and buying them for the sake of their image. Like people who buys a overpriced luxury leather goods or branded items like Havaiinas rubber flip flops over regular rubber flip flops or iPhones versus regular smartphones which work pretty much desame and you still can't fuck both, or people who only takes care of imported expensive breed of dogs or cats and totally avoid regular ordinary pets or those who only wear branded clothes and underwear like Victoria's Secret lingeries which people would never see anyway. These idiots are the real materialistic because they are concerned of their image! They buy unecessary things or spend their money to feed their bruised & fake egos and then show them off to their fake friends or relatives to impress them. And that is something I don't do coz I don't have friends & I'm not even close to my relatives so I have nothing to impress and the only people who can see my bling blings are strangers. Even in this blog or Youtube videos where I posted my expensive things anonymously most of the time so you cannot say I am bragging or showing off when I don't have a face people can recall to! 

 I don't really buy branded clothes & I am lucky that I look good in almost all colors & I can make cheaper brands or unbranded clothes look expensive because I have beautiful skin more beautiful than the skin of most Hollywood superstars (laughs) & I buy the cheapest smartphone as much as possible & only replace it when it's no longer working. I also have never set foot inside Starbucks ever not only because I don't really drink coffee but they are just overpriced and you're just paying for the brand! And I rescue stray pets coz I don't buy them from pet stores because you can't buy love and if you are really a pet lover you don't choose who you will love and you will take care whoever you find or comes to you for help! Choosing a pet from a petstore is like choosing who will be your children, alot of people are like that and they are absolute hypocrites! 

However I'm not trying to say that we shouldn't value things because we really need them and that's how the world works. But we have to be materialistic in a practical way like I buy expensive gemstone jewelry and most of my jewelries are not branded by the way, I buy jewelries as an art, also they are beautiful and rare and the best investments! I am buying rare pet rocks as specimens. It's like those who built museums to archive, store & preserve valuable historical pieces of objects for the education of future generations. The Hope Diamond for example costs probably a billion dollars today but the millions of people who visits it annually are not materialistic, they are looking at an important piece of history, a piece of art that would never be replicated again. It's almost a crime against humanity not to give value or importance or take care of these one of a kind historical artifacts coz once they are gone they are gone forever! The government of India probably spend millions of dollars annually to preserve the Taj Mahal because they have to! It's part of their history, their culture and it's the only one of it's kind in the world. 

So I don't think I am materialistic coz if I am really when my mother got her retirement pay I would have gotten my share and spend it on things but instead I convinced her to buy a house and lot that a relative is selling because at that moment I thought that was the most intelligent and practical decision to do & to the dismay of others who are materialistic expecting their share also from her retirement who would probably gamble or squander it on useless things. And guess what!? I was right because the value of the property my mother bought is worth almost 3 times more of what she paid for it! 

I Have A Perfect Song For This!


  1. So you're the only one seeing your beautiful pet rocks?

    1. I am planning to display them in a museum in my house and people who have goodness and kindness in their hearts are welcome to see God's face este my extremely rare gems.

      I also plan of collaborating with local jewelers to exhibit my pet rocks during our city fiesta celebration where hundreds of thousands of tourists will visit my city.


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