The Pumpkin🎃Orange🍊Diamond Ring💍Arrived In Canada!

My aunt picked up the package already after a roller coaster ride from the Canadian customs and FedEx lousy poor customer service. The parcel had been sent from New York since Thursday & had arrived in Edmonton since Saturday so we've been waiting for their email or call to inform us of any needed payments of taxes and duties for the clearance since Saturday so I assume there is NONE but then come on Monday they only worked their butt at the last minute and told us we need to pay over $316 Canadian dollars of taxes and duties and more & I believe it was overcharged since there shouldn't be any unecessary 'ancillary clearance service fee'. 

Initially I would have wanted the parcel to be delivered in California cause we have a closed relative there and since California is a US State there wouldn't be any taxes or duties & my relative there could simply send the parcel to The Philippines without declaring the taxable value but then again we're not that close to my relatives there emotionally & we don't even know if they knew we existed & as the old chinese saying goes 'a good neighbor is better than a closed relative you have never seen'. So therefore I cannot bother them with any favors coz it is bad taste to only come to your relative when you're in need. 

Also I cannot have the parcel delivered directly to The Philippines coz the taxes and duties are extremely HIGH over 32% or more! Which means I have to pay more than 32k pesos for the parcel to be cleared at customs. My goodness I'd rather spend that much money renting a cheap prostitute I could use for the entire year! Not that I can't use someone for FREE of course even though I am still pure, clean and innocent like the finest diamonds. 😂

And you could be wondering why can't Leibish ship the parcel without declaring the full value!? Well they can't for insurance purposes and they paid $170 dollars to FedEx to have this parcel shipped to Canada and it's fully insured meaning both the seller and the buyer could get the full refund just in case something happened along the way. And a known company like Leibish have to be honest with their dealings including declaring the full value for every parcel they will send because their business reputation is at stake and they don't want to get sued for tax evasion under american laws and possibly even the country of the destination of their import and that I understand.

That's why I am hoping that in this current PDU30 administration in The Philippines the taxes should be lowered for import coz either way it would benefit the economy and I guess I'm just being selfish because I know it would benefit me coz this is not the last time I will buy a natural color diamonds from abroad especially that two online natural color diamond vendors including Leibish are giving me exclusive special discounts for their diamonds or diamond jewelries! I guess being pretty really pays off. 😂 Though it would have been nice if the $316+ Canadian dollars taxes and duties charged for this parcel would have taxed by The Philippine government coz that money could buy thousands of books for education or hundreds of chairs for students or feed hundreds of soldiers fighting ISIS terrorists in Marawi with Mc Donald's value meal! And instead Canada benefits from that and I don't even have plans of living in Canada for good coz I don't think I can survive living inside a freezer during winterstorm. 

It would have been also nice if I'm the one who opens the package as I have plans of taking a video of me unboxing the parcel and uploading it on Youtube just like this...

Now the element of surprise is gone but that's ok at least my precious orange diamond travelled to 3 countries and spread it's positive energy around there and absorb what's good from there and send it to me! 😂

And so this is what my aunt found out once she opened the package! Does it look like a pumpkin orange diamond? It looks like a vivid yellow orange diamond in this picture probably bcoz I assume it is tsken inside a car with natural lighting causing the 'strong yellow fluorescence' to slightly alter the color of the diamond from vivid yellowish orange to vivid yellow orange even though it should look predominantly a vivid yellowish orange or orange diamond in all lighting conditions! It goes to show fluorescence can actually make a diamond appear to color change & to me that makes this diamond even more interesting. I'm also surprised it is very transparent and limpid and my aunt's expensive iPhone camera lens should picture the most realistic depiction of the orange diamond ring. Anyway  Mali and Dani from Leibish told me I would really like the ring and I can't wait to see it in person!

It looks bright and sunny right?🌄 I doubt I will ever have dark days again once this one is in my hands! Coz I'm starting to feel HIGH and I should take advantage of this moment by doing what I am afraid to do that I should have done a long time ago! 

 To be continued...

I Have A Perfect Song For This! 


  1. First class fancy vivid orange diamond! That's the best of everything...

  2. Yes the color is so vibrant and have that juicy healthy glow & the more I look at it the more I like it. 😊


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