I Feel Illegally Robbed!

My magical lucky red mountain bike I had since November 2013 was stolen early morning today inside our house! What's even more dissapointing is that I've heard some commotion 'kalabog' at our gate that I assumed was made by a dog or our cats even though my gut feeling is telling me it sounded like a struggle made by a human being trying to get out. I was awake the whole time when it happened I was busy with my internet and I was emailing Leibish & Co. asking them questions in which I already knew the answers coz I have OCD (obessive compulsive disorder) that's why I just ignored the strange commotion! I really felt insulted bcoz of all people I should be one of the last people to be victimized by theives coz I am always alert and I have this rare reflex that tends to give my conciousness warning signs if something bad is about to happen like I had strange dream lately of a stranger monitoring our house and that everytime I look at my bike recently I had this gut feeling that someone will steal it. I had desame instinct when my first bike was stolen from my house in 2010 when I was living alone, a premonition coz a few hours before I discovered the bike was stolen I've sense and told to myself I should bring this bike inside the house coz someone will steal it and someone did! I even heard some strange footsteps on the thick pile of fallen leaves from my backyard that I stupidly assume was made by toads!

Though the mountain bike recently stolen from me was cheaper but the frugal and thrifty makes me feel like it was a BIG loss even though I kinda neglected it as the last time I used it was last January! I even have plans of buying a new bike with a basket so that I can easily carry bottled water and buy some flowers among other things while biking. 

I already had alot of wonderful and horrific experience with that bike, I've rescued a bunch of stray kittens with it, met friends with it and it has taken me to the places of my wildest and deepest fantasies wether up there or down below.  And I had my first ever serious accident with that bike last Febuary 2015! 

I feel like a fool why I didn't listen to my instincts again! But anyway I've cursed two times those who took my bike and those who are involved and the curse will take effect within 7 days! So be afraid! Be very afraid! Nasa akin na kaya ang pinaka makapangyarihang brilyante💎 sa balat ng lupa! Not even Maleficent or the sorcerers of Siquijor, Camiguin, Bohol, Surigao and Capiz have it! 

Still I have to have this incident reported to the police even though I know they don't have the common sense to solve simple crimes like this. The first mountain bike that was stolen from me I was able to locate the house of the thief just days after the bike was stolen coz the dumb thief came back with a watcher and I took a picture of him while he  escaped then I asked kids around town who this idiot is and kids never lie so they told me where he lives and even told me they saw him riding my bike. Unfortunately though he is a minor so he cannot be jailed for that and my point is to have a police blotter of it so that it will be added to the unsolved cases of the respective police station and so PDU30 will know if they are doing their job to serve and to protect! 👊

And talking about police blotter you see there's no case number with this police blotter! Well the Agora Police Station has been awarded to have the fewest police crime blotter giving the artificial impression they are doing a great job in protecting the citizens in their area of responsibility! Well I emailed them and I demanded a 'case number' so that the more unsolved cases they have the more useless they really are and yet they still want a salary increase from the taxpayers!? 

For those who wants me to continue my charitable rescue efforts to homeless stray pets and for those who wish me to continue discovering places of our wildest & deepest fantasies you can donate here! 😂

This Is The Perfect Song I'm Feeling Right Now! 


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