PDU30 2nd State Of The Nation Address👊

Today is President Rodrigo Roa Duterte's 2nd State Of The Nation Address or SONA. As expected his speech is long and entertaining to the delight of the live audience and those wathching on tv like me. He addressed about his accomplishments & what are the most important things his administration should prioritize such as elimination of destructive mining, creating jobs, healthcare and the traffic problem as well as putting a stop on rebellion, insurgencies, terrorism and the passage of the death penalty bill. He also addresed the nation on those that needs further strenghtening such as the 'war on drugs', criminalities and corruption. 

But the truth is I don't really need to hear what he's done or continue to do and what he accomplished coz over 85% of the Filipino people felt the change he promised during the election & year after he sat into office we are satisfied with what he is doing to our country and we trust him that what he does and will do is the wisest and the most intelligent decision! In my previous post about his 1st year as President Of The Republic Of The Philippines I mentioned the lists of his accomplishments and the things I would like him to do or to do even more and I gave him a 95% score and that is still desame score I would give him about his performance up to this day! Excellent & almost perfect but who's perfect anyway? Aside from my diamonds only God must be perfect though I'm an atheist so I don't believe in fairytales & I only create them & make them believable of I choose to! 😂

President DU30 is truly the best President ever and no amount of destabilization will work coz PDU30 is backed up by the overwhelming support of the majority of the Filipino people and the world and yes the world have now notice & respect the humble Philippines, The Pearl Of The Orient Seas who are used to be neglected or ignored and now because of PDU30 The Philippines have become a golden pearl of opportunities and the Filipino people will soon be living in the golden age of economic progress & influence where everyone will indeed live a comfortable life and feeling safe, secure, happy and with a peace of mind. And with President Rodrigo Roa Duterte as the captain of the ship The Philippines have only one direction to go and that is the direction of a better and best ever Philippines! Mabuhay Philippines! 💛

I Have A Perfect Song For This!


  1. The Philippines is a sureball winner like my win at Miss World 2013 with President Duterte as our President and with him our future is as rosy as the coral pink gown I'm wearing! ��

    1. I agree with you Megan others will try their best to steal President DU30s power but they will always fail because it is a clear as day he got the support and vote of the majority & is the people's ultimate choice for the Presidency and no other leader could come close to him! As early as now he is branding the DU30 name as a political royalty and only a DU30 can replace a DU30. PDU30s royal status is as obvious as the famous vivid royal blue gown I wore when I was crowned Miss Universe 2015! ��

    2. The Philippines is very lucky to have a President like DU30 as lucky as the red gown I wore when I won Miss International 2013 by a landslide vote!

  2. PDU30 is my lucky charm & I think part of my win as Miss International 2016 is due to the DU30 EFFECT coz PDU30 was there in Japan during the Miss International 2016 Beauty Pageant & PDU30 recieved a royal treatment & was treated like a ROCKSTAR�� & the Japanese people really admire, respect and adore him! I also met him there and contrary to his tough image�� he is very sweet in person as sweet the baby blue gown I wore during my crowning moment!

    1. PDU30 really made us Filipinos proud to be Filipinos, he made us proud to have him as our President! Despite the negative press that is painted against him by the opposition I see PDU30 as having the purest and innocent heart like the white gown I wore when I was crowned Philippine's first ever Miss Supranational winner last September 2013 weeks before Philippines won it's first ever Miss World crown!

  3. Asked your self, what did President Duterte promised? did he fulfilled any of them?

    1. He fullfilled most of his promises and what he did to The Philippines is greater than all the past presidents did!

      In fact PH is The World's Number One Investment Destination and one of the safest in the world alot safer than your country. Since he sat into office the crime rate has gone down by over 50%!

      We hosted the best Miss Universe pageant ever in 2016 and we have shown to the world or Universe rather than PH is safe, secure, prosperous with a hospitable and welcoming people.

      PDU30 did that and more in just 2 years! PH economy is one of the world's fast rising.

      And his greatest achievement is averting a possible World War 3 between China and USA by making friends with them & now even North Korea joined in the friendly circle.

      World great and most powerful leaders admired and respects PDU30.

      Also alot of countries are copying PDU30s succesful 'War On Drugs' & even the Interpol recommended it!👊

  4. What happened to the promise, to solve drug problem in 60 days of office, jetski in the west philippine sea and so on and so forth?

    1. That's a stupid non sense comment.

      PDU30 is a comedian by nature but his accomplishment is countless.

      He fullfilled most of his promises and what he did to The Philippines is greater than all the past presidents did!

      In fact PH is The World's Number One Investment Destination and one of the safest in the world alot safer than your country. Since he sat into office the crime rate has gone down by over 50%!

      We hosted the best Miss Universe pageant ever in 2016 and we have shown to the world or Universe rather than PH is safe, secure, prosperous with a hospitable and welcoming people.

      PDU30 did that and more in just 2 years! PH economy is one of the world's fast rising.

      And his greatest achievement is averting a possible World War 3 between China and USA by making friends with them & now even North Korea joined in the friendly circle.

      World great and most powerful leaders admired and respects PDU30.

      Also alot of countries are copying PDU30s succesful 'War On Drugs' & even the Interpol recommended it!👊


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