The King Of Gemstones❤

Ruby is my 2nd favorite gemstone next to diamonds. It possess an attractive color symbolizing love, good luck and power! But not many people know that large unheated pigeon blood red rubies of bona fide Burma origin are actually rarer than many natural color diamonds like blue and pink with the exception of orange, violet, red, purple and green diamonds.
This ruby reminds me of the first Burma pigeon blood red ruby I've ever bought who now belongs to my ungrateful sister. The silk inclusions and the color is very much alike even the jewelry connoisseur who sold it to me said it is the most beautiful ruby she have ever seen. Though it is small weighing approximately 1 carat surrounded by diamonds mounted in 14kt yellow gold of a petite ring size of 5.5 that only fits on my pinky finger and I don't wore it coz it's obviously a ladies ring but I bought it as a pet rock way back in October 2002, I didn't eat alot for many many months just to save my school allowance to buy it that's actually the best way to lose weight is to lay away a jewelry you hardly can afford and then you can magically stretch your meager amount of cash into endless possibilities.I don't know exactly why I had to give it away, I think because I'm kinda bipolar and I have OCD (Obessesive Compulsive Disorder) and a perfectionist which makes things worst coz people like me can hardly be satisfied, I always want to have this and that and once I have them OCD and perfectionism kicks in and I will try to see what's wrong with it and when I see something I don't like then my attention remains looking only at the imperfection and then I'll start not liking it again and when it is about time for me to give it away it started to look beautiful on my eyes again like the first time I saw it! Though I agreed to give it to my sister (estranged now) for her graduation gift bcoz it is still in the hands of my family and I'm immortal eventually what's theirs will be all mine in the future! 😂 

Now enough with my personal story of my love affair with rubies!

The rarity of rubies can be further explained by their availability. In fact I have bought a similarly ruby ring for my mother in 2005 but the color is not as  as red as the first ruby I have though it is bigger about times two the size and I all the rubies I've seen are different though they are all red. 

Majority of the world's rubies are heated to enchance their color and clarity about 99%! It is not easy to find a certified 1 carat pigeon blood red ruby or any size and the it is even more difficult to find a true pigeon blood ruby weighing over 3 carats! In fact most of the time the price of an average unheated ruby even if the color isn't pigeon blood can be worth more than colorless white diamonds! 

Many colored diamonds are in fact natural in color as there are no need to color enhance when there is a readily available supply of beautiful natural color diamonds except of course for the truly rare natural diamond colors mentioned above which are almost impossible to find in their natural colors.

I'm am not surprised to find out that a unheated pigeon blood red rubies can be more valuable than most perfect diamonds but I was stunned recently to find out they are even more rare than blue and pink diamonds and obviously natural color diamonds that are less rare like yellow, grey, black and brown!

With this revelation rubies is perhaps a better investment than many other gems including diamonds with the exception of course with the rarest category of natural color diamonds. The more investors and connoissuers knew about the extreme rarity and investment potential of unheated pigeon blood red rubies the more the demand increases for them and so their price! And it's not difficult to sell or market rubies for they already have the most beautiful shade of red in the gemstone world to begin with plus all the romance and magic associated with their irresistible color & ruby is even considered the most beautiful of gems. That is why I know they will remain as the HIGHest prized colored gemstones in the world and the 2nd rarest & most valuable object category per volumes of weight next to a fewer natural color diamonds. 

It's important for investors or collectors to know that only ruby in the colored stones world have sold for over $1.4 million dollars per carat and it looks like it will continue to rise in value as time goes by.

People was right during the Renaissance Era that the price of a ruby however small is desame price as a Rembrandt painting! Making them truly one of nature's most remarkable masterpieces! So rare and beautiful you don't see them everyday and most people would have never seen one in their lifetime.  

Red is also the sexiest of all colors. Ever wondered why the forbidden fruit is colored red? 🍎
Red is the ultimate color of temptation and women look their most beautiful with a red lipstick and wearing a red two piece bikini or gown aren't they?

The value & demand for gemstones are based on several factors aside from their size and treatment or lack of are as follows; Beauty, rarity, durablity and current fashion and rubies fits perfectly in all those categories. 

Though rubies are readily available at your nearest jewelry stores coz they have to otherwise there wouldn't be a market for rubies but the rarest unheated rubies are beyond rare just like the rarest of natural color diamonds. In fact in the case of natural color diamonds the availability of the more common brown and yellow as well as irradiated artificially colored diamonds & lab created colored diamonds helps to create a market & drive demand for rare natural color diamonds as well. 

And the appreciation for rubies is instinctive not based on public opinion even without reading valuable information here on my blog I'm sure even a kid not yet at the age of discernment would instantly picked a red candy from a bunch and that's how we all learn how to judge beauty! 

I Have A Perfect Song For That!



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