The Destabilization Plot Against PDU30 Continues...

And the destabilization plot against PDU30 continues. After the alleged VP of the Philippines and Senator Trollanes visited the world's best advertising firm in Korea weeks ago now the oppossition tirades  pops out in succession like a brilliant plan that again failed to work at least at the local level knowing PDU30 have a massive public support.

From the 7k, 8k now to 9k made up or alleged extra judicial killing victims under PDU30 are all spread throughout the world by paid BIAS media to ruin the crediblity of PDU30s image overseas or on the international scene. That too may not work coz the public will wonder how can he be TIME 100 Most Influential Person if he is as evil as what the BIAS western media are portraying him to be!?

But of course the opposition have no choice but to try their best luck trying to put PDU30 down as he already ruined their billions of pesos shady illegal businesses. An fugly idiotic kagay-anon lawyer named Sabio already filed a case against PDU30 at the ICC (International Criminal Court) on his so called brutal war on drugs and its alleged human rights abuses by faking information that it already caused 9k deaths without proper evidence. And then the fake VP Leni Lugaw Rob Redo who are rumored and as guilty beyond reasonable doubt in her involvements protecting the illegal drugs & jueteng business & having a relationship with a pulpolitician drug lord named Bolet & by Leni wanting the use of illegal drugs to be legal is a proof that she's trying to make her sin appear right bcoz she & her late husband really looks guilty beyond reasonable doubt with their involvement in the illegal drug & jueteng trade. Coupled with the persistent tirades and rally against PDU30 from the catholic universities who's also severely affected by PDU30s admininistration for they have billions of pesos in in investments through illegal or destructive mining and yet as a religious institution they are not taxed by the government while their tuition fees continues to rise annually making poor students can no longer afford to pay for their schooling & yes the tither catholics are giving to the church are invested in destructive mining & the destablization plot of PDU30 & thank God I'm an athiest coz the church aren't getting any from me so all you religious bigots out there are unknowingly responsible for bringing a good, I mean great effective leader down!

 And PDU30 naming big business tychoons in PH as dishonest oligarchs crooks namely Lucio Tan and that owner of anti DU30 magazine Philippine Daily Inquirer who also owns businesses that owes goverment billions of pesos of unpaid taxes not to mention to Mighty Corporation who also owes government billions of pesos unpaid taxes.

Now you can just imaganine how fucked up The Philippines is prior to PDU30 that is why the opposition is so keen in trying to put PDU30 down just to bring back the glory of their corrupt and evil old ways. And nothing could be more fucked up that the BIAS medias in PH saying the killed Abu Sayaff terrorist group in Bohol was a good person. It really sounded like a brilliant advertising agency plan  trying to attract more supporters to side with the opposition & the opposition obviously wants more enemies to attack PDU30 like the terrorists groups probably hoping  to get the support on the international level and the fake VP legalizing meth would surely attract more supporters on their side coz there at at least 4 million drug addicts in The Philippines nearly a million surrendered to the government & 3 million are still in a limbo most likely they will join rallies that will soon be organized by the opposition. Perhaps they can really get millions of supporters by that time but then again the overwhelming majority of PDU30 supporters will slap them again in numbers they can't afford to present as always. 👊 #DU30ROCKS

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte is not just an effective politician to most people in the Philippines & even the world. Every effective leader possess charisma and we see him as part of our family. PDU30 in fact to most people are more than a family for we never felt the care he has given to his  people & country & to most of us his care & affection for the common good of his people is even greater than what most of our own relatives could ever give to us. That's why it is understandable his supporters are so eager in protecting his presidency coz he is the only the best & last hope  of our country to achieve our best as people & as a nation! 

The opposition will never get it that most of the DDS (Die Hard DU30 Supporters) have all raging fire deep inside all of us. Once united for a common goal no amount of destabilization against PDU30 will work as we can unleash the greatest power the world has never seen before.


  1. Dear International Communities,

    Our country is being destabilized. Our president is being painted a demon.


    The drug lords don't want our country to be free from them. The rotten politicians want Duterte out. They want to rule again.

    Where are their destabilization funds coming from?

    Drug trade money. Maybe even the missing Yolanda/Haiyan funds. Our taxes. The millionaires and billionaires whose businesses are affected and left their principles out the door.

    And we, the Filipino people, have nothing but ourselves. We do not have the money to pay for sponsored ads and news agencies. We do not have connections in key mainstream media to be our voice. We do not have the support of old formidable institutions.

    But we have ourselves. We have each other. We have our honor and our dignity and our determination to fight for our country. We have our President, and we call him our father, our friend and our leader. And we will protect him as he protects us from the elements that have made us slave and beggars in our own country.

    This is why we raise our fists. This is why we get passionate. This is why we march. This is why we fight.

    To save our country.
    To save our children.
    To save our future.
    To save ourselves.

    We have elected President Rodrigo Roa Duterte. Our democracy is alive and well.

    A revolution has started.

    Let us continue. Respect us. And honor our own path as a nation.

    The Filipino People

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