Famous Diamonds: Pumpkin Diamond 🎃💎

This is not to scare😱you my beloved readers since it is Halloween today! So first of all Happy Halloween!🎃 

In the late 90s an unusual cushion cut vivid pure orange🍊diamond came to the auction block. That orange diamond🍊 have the most unusual color of all the diamonds being offered for sale in the entire history of the auction world, for it is the first orange diamond🍊known to the public. 

In the hundred years history of the auction house Sotheby's selling several of the world's most valuable objects including various D-flawless perfect diamonds, yellows, pinks, blues & green diamonds finally an orange diamond🍊was offered for sale.

And the winning bidder is none other than the son of 'King Of Diamonds' Ronald Winston who won the intense bidding for this ultra rare orange diamond🍊 on the eve of Halloween & so he decided to name the diamond  & your guess is right! 'The Pumpkin Orange Diamond!'🎃An extremely rare natural color pure orange diamond🍊of VS clarity & Type IIa with no fluorescence. Ronald  Winston won the bid by a little over $1.3 million dollars a day before Halloween in October 30, 1997 or exactly 20 years ago today! 

$1.3 million dollars was alot of money back then and the realized hammer price of The Pumpkin Diamond🎃shocked😨& scared😱the world & just like love if you really love something or someone then you are willing to risks everything & gamble all that you have just to acquire it right?💘Because there is no greater pain than regrets because the 'what ifs' will haunt you forever. 

In 1997 The Pumpkin Diamond🎃is the largest orange diamond🍊ever sold at auction and it is one of the most beautiful and coveted diamonds in history. GIA (The World's Foremost Authority In Gemology) even stated in their Diamonds Course materials 'that pure orange diamonds are probably diamond's rarest color.'🍊

Obviously The Pumpkin Diamond🎃is one of the most beautiful & coveted diamonds in history. But when The Pumpkin Diamond🎃was first discovered by a farmer in Central African Republic the rough color was actually brownish. When Bill Goldberg of William Goldberg Diamond Corporation & Joe Gaddie learned of its existence they took a major gamble by purchasing the undesirable rough without fully knowing the outcome & when the cutting & polishing commenced the undesirable brown rough diamond revealed a pure orange🍊 interior like Cinderella's fairygodmother transforming a pumpkin🎃into a golden carriage! 

Ever since then The Pumpkin Diamond🎃became the standard for which how to judge orange diamonds.🍊In fact the most valuable color term of orange diamonds🍊also known as 'fire diamonds' are called 'pumpkin'.🎃 An orange diamond🍊is lighter in color like a peel of an orange🍊 but a pumpkin🎃is deeper shade though both colors can be pure orange.🍊

The Pumpkin Diamond🎃may well be the most famous diamond in history when Halle Berry wore it 2002 when she accepted her Oscar's Best Actress trophy  for her performance in 'Monster's Ball' & as the first African-American winner in such category that was watched by over a billion people on the planet during the memorable live broadcast. I remember how I hated Halle Berry back then coz my bet for the Best Actress is Nicole Kidman for her film 'Moulin Rogue' which is my second favorite movie next to TITANIC. I guess the golden glow of The Pumpkin Diamond🎃 brought her luck & looking back now I'm glad she won coz we get to see The Pumpkin Diamond🎃on the limelight! 
Halle Berry also wore a 110.6 carats pear shape fancy vivid yellow diamond on her right hand while The Pumpkin Diamond🎃was worn on her pinky on her left hand & not only The Pumpkin Diamond🎃stole the show but it is several times more valuable than the 110.3 carats Sun-Drop Yellow Diamond & The Pumpkin Diamond just weighed 5.54 carats! 

In 2002 The Pumpkin Diamond was removed from the ring setting and was displayed as part of 'The Splendor of Diamonds' exhibit showcasing the world's most beautiful & rarest diamonds ever produced by Mother Nature which included the 202 carats D-flawless pear-shape perfect diamond💎named the De Beers Millenium Star, The then 60 carats fancy vivid flawless perfect pink diamond 'Steinmetz Pink' Diamond now known as  59 carat 'Pink Star' diamond which sold last April 2017 for over $72 million dollars, The 101.29 carats fancy vivid yellow diamond named 'Allnat' & other ultra rare unusual natural color diamonds of about similar sizes namely 'The Moussaief Red' which is the largest red diamond in the world, 'The Ocean Dream' (which is the only known deep blue green diamond & last sold in May 2016 for $1.5 million dollars per carat totalling $8.6 million dollars) & last but not least the is 'The Pumpkin Diamond.'🎃

Just to prove how valuable The Pumpkin Diamond is🎃in 2005 it is sold again for over $3 million dollars! That's twelve years ago! Just imagine how much The Pumpkin Diamond🎃is worth today for a similarly sized fancy vivid green diamond named 'The Aurora' was sold in May 2016 for $3.3 million dollars per carat or $16.8 million dollars in total! And a pure orange diamonds is several times rarer than natural color vivid pure green diamonds! 

Now I have my own Pumpkin Diamond🎃though it is smaller but its pricetag will still scare you and you can have it if the price is right!💸
I am not sure if this little pumpkin🎃diamond💎of mine is Type IIa or Type Ib and both are extremely rare less than 0.01% of all diamonds. Type Ib orange diamonds🍊are believed to be colored by nitrogen & hydrogen impurities though the reason of their remarkable color is still a mystery at most while type IIa orange diamonds are believe to be colored by lattice deformation. This eye clean SI1 clarity natural color vivid orange diamond for example possess characteristics of both Type Ib & Type IIa. The strong yellow fluorescence of Type Ib and the limpidity & transparency of Type IIa but which type doesn't really matter because this pumpkin diamond🎃of mine looks exactly like the priceless Pumpkin Orange Diamond🎃in terms of color! 

What are you wating for!? This is your chance to own one of the most rarest diamonds in the world! Gimme an offer coz this ultra rare pumpkin diamond🎃is so unique & one of a kind like true love and we cannot have more than one true love in a lifetime and most of us cannot even experience at least one! So when this diamond is gone it is gone forever and what will be left to you is a ghost from the past that will haunt you & will make you regret for the rest of your lives...

And I Have A Perfect Song For This!


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