Many Subtle Different Shades Of Vivid Yellowish Orange Diamonds

Not all diamonds are created equal even the ones with desame color grade but natural color diamonds are even more unique specially orange diamonds known as 'fire diamonds' in the trade. Take a look for example on this GIA Certificated Fancy Vivid Yellowish Orange Diamond I own & compare it to other natural color diamonds of the desame grade and you will notice subtle differences because yellowish orange diamonds have a range of orange color saturation at least 75% orange & the rest is yellow & vivid being the HIGHest intensity grade. However take note that my video quality Youtube upload is limited only up to 640×480 so chances are it will not always depict actual color & that's the reason why I always say diamonds looks better in person & in this video I used natural lighting from direct sunlight to indoors  without using my camera's flash. But for comparison sake let's begin...
Natural Color Vivid Yellowish Orange Diamond 
SI1 Clarity (Eye Clean) 
Strong Yellow Fluorescence

This is also a HIGH clarity fancy vivid yellowish orange even though you can see the tiny black dot or inclusion in the middle of the diamond & the shape & size is desame to mine but this one is worth $25k! The color does kinda look desame to mine and I could tell coz the video quality of this diamond is HIGH and it looks exactly as to how my orange diamond look in person! But of course since no two diamonds are created equal there are subtle differences between the two.

This is probably one of my favorite orange diamond I think I could realistically afford but it is slightly above my ready budget and it doesn't have a clarity grade so I assume it to be as I1 in clarity even though in the video you can't see any eye visible inclusions. This is bigger and cheaper than the 2nd orange diamond & the vendor for this diamond is no longer Denir and I know the dealer & if you're interested on this diamond just drop me a messge & I'll help you get a fabulous discount! 

One of the main reason why not all orange diamonds look desame is their color tone. Some have a brighter tone while others have darker tone such as this one. 

Though I tend to gravitate towards lighter tone coz darker tones tends going towards brownish while lighter tones tends towards going to yellowish except for darker toned orange diamond that appears reddish in some lighting environment like mine though mine is a lighter toned orange which is confusing me probably because the strong yellow fluorescence gives it a golden yellowish to golden orange cast in sunlight or fluorescent light but in the proper lighting environment it looks what is expected for vivid yellowish orange diamond. And when grading diamonds it is graded against a non reflective white background & an overhead fluorescent lamp with the absence of UV to get the most realistic & actual color as natural color diamonds can appear different when viewed from different lighting environments, surroundings & even the color of the clothes you wear such as how my orange diamond appear different when viewed against a different colored background. And again I used natural light in this video in the shade with the absence of flash coz my camera len's flash have a thin yellow film thingy that made things captured appear yellowish.

And just so you will believe that even pure vivid orange diamonds can look yellowish in some ligthing environment such as the orange diamond on this one. But it could have a yellow fluorescence or the camera like all cameras can't really show the actual color all the time. 
Now it makes me wonder how GIA gemologists gives a 'pure orange' color grade to a diamond? Is a diamond that is 95% orange and 5% yellow still considered a yellowish orange? Coz if yellowish orange being at least 75% orange is predominantly an orange diamond & considered an orange diamond & even a yellow orange diamond that is at least 55% orange is considered an orange diamond like this one 1.05ct natural color fancy vivid yellow orange that to my eyes looks like a vivid yellowish orange! And because GIA graded it as yellow orange it is priced less! Which makes this diamond another great buy from Leibish & Co. & if you're interested on this $30k plus orange diamond just drop me a message coz I can help you get a discount on this already heavily discounted rare pet rock! 

Before we end let's take a look at this $138,500 2.34 ct natural color deep yellowish orange diamond. The remarkable color saturation made it look reddish and red in orange not only increases the beauty but the value as well! Even though 'deep' color grade is the 3rd highest priced grade for natural color diamonds with 'vivid' being the HIGHest followed by 'intense'. Sometimes deeply colored yellowish orange diamonds can be as attractive or even more attractive than intense yellowish orange & even some vivid yellowish orange diamonds. 

It goes to show that diamonds are like humans each one is unique and have different sparkling personalities even when they are cut & polished from desame rough because...

'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder'.

And I Have A Perfect Song For This! 


  1. Your remarkable orange diamond was evaluated and graded 9 years ago today by GIA (Gemological Institute of America) The World's Foremost Authority In Gemology.


    1. I do everything for a reason, I mean I do everything on purpose.


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