Black Is Beautiful

Black is beautiful including black like Supermodel Naomi Campbell. In fact I like the color black and wears black alot even though I'm not emo I just like black because it is a safe color to wear & it's slimming & mysterious. Aside from Obama the only black things I don't like is a black evil heart, ISIS flag & black sands because I only like white sand beaches.🌴 

And when it comes to gemstones my favorite black gemstone would be black diamonds! I like it a little bit more than the highly valued & cheerished black pearls and both gems can be worn by men! 

Natural color black diamonds are one of the rarest natural color diamonds actually they belong in the 'extremely rare' category. Most black diamonds on the market are heated or irradiated in other words their color are artificial, usually a bort or industrial grade rough diamond are artificially heated or irradiated to bring about their black colors. 
The 2008 Victoria's Secret Black Diamond Fantasy Miracle Bra are set with 2 huge black pear shape diamonds weighing 100 carats each! The bra was for sale at $5 million dollars back then. It is unclear if the black diamonds are natural color because they all look too good to be true & all identical but the jeweler who made it is Martin Katz a popular celebrity jeweler so he could diffinitely afford natural color black diamonds & that if they are all available for the making of this bra.To me it is impossible to find two diamonds weighing 100 carats each how much more identical pitch black diamonds!? So these black diamonds are irradiated! 

Black diamonds though rare are relatively cheaper than most natural color diamonds which is a good thing because they are one of the first natural color diamonds people can start with their rare natural color diamonds collection but I predict black diamonds like brown diamonds who are used to be rejected for jewelry use will become even more valuable with the advent of time and the fact that most people likes the color black more than they like brown it will only take sometime when black diamonds will start commanding heftier prices. 

Another interesting salespoint about black diamonds is a story that is out of this world. Some black diamonds that have formed here on Earth are due to a meteorite or comet impact billions of years ago that is why many black diamonds that had been mined are near the surface of the Earth unlike regular or most diamonds that formed deep beneath the surface of the Earth & we're talking hundreds of miles deep inside the Earth! What is even more fascinating is that some rarer natural color black diamonds hailed from outer space & are carried here to Earth by a meteorite or comet impact. The difference between an alien diamond & those who are formed upon impact are difficult to detect as most black diamonds have desame crystallography that is different than regular diamonds & are extremely tough & durable even tougher than diamonds that crystallized in the orthorhombic or cubic system such as the regular white diamonds. In fact black diamonds are so hard it is extra difficult to polish them compared to white diamonds.💎That is why many black diamonds have rough surfaces & polishing lines on the facets due to its resistance to the polishing wheel that is studded with miscroscopic less harder white diamonds.
You probably know by now I have a fascination for the 'The Heart Of The Ocean Necklace' & this heart shape black diamond necklace reminds me of that. This is my favorite black diamond in existence and if I would give this to someone I would say 'I give you this 'Heart Of The Pits Of Hell because it reminds me of you coz your soul & heart is as dark & black. Just kidding! Well because our love for each other is as dark, deep & mysterious & you're just different'! 😂

Though black diamonds are cheaper than most natural color diamonds it doesn't mean they are that affordable only reasonably priced for their rarity and uniqueness like this Leibish & Co. GIA certificated 1.30 carat natural color black princess cut diamond! And this priceless one of a kind black diamond is for sale for only $2,950 dollars & there's a possibility of a huge discount since Leibish & Co. loves to make their clients happy & own natural color diamonds of their wildest dreams! 
If you desire this natural color black diamond because you want to show your uniqueness to the world click this red apple!🍎
This 14kt white gold millegrain design mount (my favorite details in jewelry) features black & white diamonds & costs only $1,180 dollars sporting 0.86 carat total weight of diamonds with the 0.70 ct heated black diamond as the focal point & 0.16 ct fine quality white diamonds side stones. Since natural color black diamonds are extremely rare Leibish & Co. offers lightly heated black diamonds while the rest of their inventory are all natural colors & is the largest inventory of natural color diamonds in the world. Though they do have a few inventory of rarer natural color black diamonds that costs more due their rarity but their lightly heated diamonds are only slightly altered in their color which means their heated black diamond's color is almost what Mother Nature intended them to be! And the heating process Leibish & Co. used is the lightest treatment of color enhancement. Other heated or irradiated black diamonds from other companies are naturally dark brown or too flawed or reject of a quality to be considered gem material & the enhancement process are so rigorous just so to bring out the desirable black color but affects the durability of the diamond which is not the case for Leibish & Co. heated black diamonds because of the light treatment they are as durable as natural color black diamonds. So this black diamond engagement ring I guarantee is the cheapest & HIGHest quality value for money you can find in the market for $1,180! If you're interested about this item be ready to be tempted by clicking the red apple! 🍎

Or perhaps this hefty 14kt rose gold set with a 1.21 ct slightly heated black diamond and 0.28 ct fine quality white diamonds side stones totalling 1.49 ct for sale at $2,200! I always thought black diamonds looks their best mounted in rose gold! If you're tempted about this gorgeous black diamond engagement ring click the red apple.🍎

Last April after the burial of my nanny my cousin showed me her engagement ring from her american fiancee and it's a beautiful ring studded with black and white round brilliant diamonds & the focal point is a pitch black round brilliant black diamond probably weighing 3/4 ct & the total carat weight including the accent diamomds probably almost a carat and it is mounted in a ribbon like designed ring of 10kt white gold. My cousin asked me how much I think the ring is worth and I correctly guessed between a thousand dollars. She asked if the diamond is real and I said yes and if the color is natural but I said it is hard to guess but the truth is I know. Natural color black diamond's color don't look too good to be true or that pitch black in color, though black diamonds of pitch black color does exists but diamonds that showed white feathers or white inclusions are most likely natural color origin and many natural color black diamonds can have brownish overtones & sometimes dark green. Still my cousin's engagmeny ring is a delight since I've graduated from white diamonds now I'm into the ultimate which is natural color diamonds & I can safely say that within my family or relatives her engagement ring is my favorite engagement ring that are actually presented as an engagement ring and it is the first within our family that someone got engaged with a colored diamond! And that's why black diamonds are beautiful because they're unique! 

Since it is Full Moon today I Have A Perfect Song For This! 🌚


  1. Naomi is the hottest black woman on Earth. Even hotter than most whites!��

    1. Oh yes Naomi Campbell is the hottest Supermodel not just black but in all models and I'm not federally obligated to say that! 😂

  2. If your budget is $1k dollars for a black diamond engagement ring I'd rather spend that on the Leibish & Co. black diamond engagement ring because of the brand name and the quality of the diamonds & mounting and you forgot to mention Leibish & Co. jewelries are handcrafted which means the attention to details is superlative than molded jewelries.


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