Gina Lopez Appointed As Mother Nature 🌐

Mother Nature is very angry after DENR Secretary Gina Lopez appointment was rejected by the Commision On Appointments which was mostly led by pulpolticians who directly or indirectly involved in illegal or destructive mining & there's conflict of interests for them heading the Commision On Appointments and so they should be impeached! 

There has been stories circulating that Gina Lopez allowed the destructive mining of her friend while closed mine operations of the others but who's perfect anyway? Gina Lopez is still the most perfect person for the job as DENR (Department Of Environment & Natural Resources) Secretary! 

The administration senators who said NO to Gina's confirmation are obviously threatened of Gina Lopez's popularity to the masses coz she could run for the Vice Presidency or even the Presidency next election & could win versus Senator Cayetano! 

I am very dissapointed with Gina's rejection and the majority of Filipinos shared desame sentiment. I am an enviromentalist myself and I don't think there is any other better environment crusader who can head DENR better than Gina Lopez! The only best replacement is either President DU30 or STORM of the X-Men or Mother Nature herself! Only them can do it better when it comes to protecting the environment!

As what PDU30 suspects that money lobby talks and destructive and illegal mining here in The Philippines is BIG business! As BIG as illegal drugs and illegal gambling and those involved or into it will go the extra mile to protect their business interests whatever it takes! 

But we cannot accept this those who voted NO should be punished! We should not vote for them again next election but of course they can buy people's vote. People are not really scrutinizing their votes for congressmen and senators. So the best punishments for these motherfuckers is to punish them where it really hurts the most! Parurusan sila sa ngalan ng buwan! 🌚

Mother Nature🌱 will bring her wrath to them when they least expect it!🌋 I think PDU30 should bestow powers to Gina Lopez to continue her crusade in protecting Mother Earth.🌏

Gina Lopez should also be given power to control the precious 4 ancient elements.

Brilyante ng Hangin💎 kunin mo ang hininga ng bumoto laban kay Gina Lopez...💨

Brilyante ng Tubig lunurin🌊 mo ang mga bumoto laban kay Gina Lopez pagkatapos ay kunin mo ang tubig sa kanilang mga katawan para mamatay na sila sa uhaw💧... 

Brilyante ng Apoy🔥kunin mo ang init sa katawan ng mga bumoto laban kay Gina Lopez para manigas na sila... ❄

Brilyante ng Lupa utusan mo ang lupa na bumuka para mailibing na ang mga bumoto laban kay Gina Lopez... 🌋


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