A Raped Victim Reported A Crime & The Police Did Nothing!👊

Last December 30, 2017 I went to Agora Police Station in Cagayan de Oro City to ask for help and a young policeman came out from his airconditioned office & looked like he just woke up. After so many questions being asked to me I realized I am just wasting my time coz he gave all excuses as though he knows the law better than me as if he is a lawyer though I'm not a lawyer but I'm not stupid & I didn't come there without knowing I am doing the right thing, so I opened my phone recorder so that I can use the evidence of his stupidity just in case I will need it to file when I file an administrative case against him & I know there was another policeman at my back listening to our conversation & I had to make sure he knows I had everything on record. So I said to him 'pathetic and useless' and he replied 'don't say that sir, coz you're in a policestation' & I would really like to say to him this 'will I get jailed for telling the truth?' but I paused for while coz he looked at me like a monster then he resumed looking like a human again asking questions like what's your mother's name (stupid question) & then I was saying like to my head blah blah blah & said to him 'well it doesn't matter' and I just sat for for awhile looking at the wall blank & I was no longer interested on continuing the police blotter report coz I'm so pissed & dissapointed & I told him 'nah, nevermind'. 

Well in my life I had reported 6 police blotters in the policestation and the heck none of them was solved! So personally the Philippine National Police (PNP) is useless! 

When I was in high school my heavy 22kt gold necklace & pendant was snatched while I was commuting. My mother accompanied me to to the Police Station in Cogon Market to have report the incident and I was looking at the 'book of criminals' I don't know what it's called coz I was hoping I could see the snatcher from there. Days past my mother was contacted by a police asking us if we could identify the possible snatcher that they recently caught so we rushed to the Police Station near Lim Ket Kai Mall only to find out that the snatcher looked totally & far different from what I pointed to them of a picture from 'the book of criminals'. 

Then in 2007 while commuting early morning around 4am I was robbed again and though I know some older guy got too closed with me I thought he was gay trying so I ignored him without realizing he sliced a messenger bag & took a tiny purse that contains a hefty 14kt two-tone gold cross pendant studded with 3 onyx & one ruby cabochon & a priceless 12 mm natural light golden pearl! It was only when I arrived home that I realized I was robbed. Then following night I reported the incident to Bulua Police Station & after the police blotter is done I draw a picture of the pendant & a the pearl hoping they will investigate pawnshops or goldsmiths that could possibly be visited by the thief & that time I used an alias coz I'm afraid my parents will found out about it & that they will have me live with them again for being such a careless moron! But I gave my phone number to the police officer and I was never contacted. 

Then in 2010 my mountain bike was stolen in my house but that time I didn't report it on the police & I did my own investigation. Luckily the young theives came back to my house & I got a glimpse of their faces for the first time & I caught one of them but unfortunately they managed to escaped, then not long after that they came back again early morning & I was lucky to get a picture of one of them before they escpaped & the next day I went to Opol Police Station to report the my stolen bike and the usual what the police officer did is sit, asked questions & typed & didn't even took the picture of the thief & so I was not contented so I did further investigation & I showed the picture of the thief to children if they know him coz I know children don't lie & one of my little new friends knows where the theif lives & both of them now have a name & they told me they've seen them riding my mountain bike so I went to the house of the thief and called my mother ask for police assistant & they did came but then again nothing happened! They cannot arrest him coz he is a minor and the bike was not found even though I have evidence to proved they robbed my house coz he left one of his slippers when I caught him  the picture I took of him.

Then the following year another theif tresspassed into my house and this time I grabbed a hold of him to make sure he won't run away and asked my neighbor to call a Barangay Tanod and they did came and put the thief inside the mini prison of the Barangay Police Outpost then my mother came and then I had reported the incident again to the Opol Police Station. Though nothing was taken away I still feel obligated to report it and to discipline the young thief allegedly a minor.

Then recently last July last year my mountain bike was stolen again from our main house and I asked my mother to report the incident at the Agora Police Station coz I was too tired to do anything with it anymore & I just want a crime like that to be reported to be added to a record that will prove what a waste of taxpayer's money are the lousy police force. And the police blotter didn't even have a report number which means there's no crime and the Agora Police Station will win an award coz their area of responsibility have the lowest reported crimes! Haha

And Agora Police Station even won an award as the 'Most Child Friendly Police Station' which is probably fake! And here's why...

That last police station visit last December 30, 2017 at the crack of dawn while waiting for some hope a young woman probably a minor came to report a crime and I told her 'ok you report it first I'll just sit at the back & wait for my turn' then she told me in Surigaonon that it's sensitive so I assumed she was raped so I told her 'I am Surigaonon too' and after a few exchange of words I realized she's my relative! From Placer, Surigao del Norte. So I went outside for awhile. Then after a few minutes she went out and she told me they will not entertain her coz the crime happened in Surigao del Norte and I asked her what was it about & she told me her uncle stole her stuff & she told she cannot report the incident there coz no one will believe her coz to them she's a drug addict & somehow I agree with the police coz the crime happened so far away & I thought she's kinda nuts for reporting the crime hundreds of miles from the place of incident. Then she was kind enough to let me borrow her phone so I could text and call my mother & we talked for awhile in Surigaonon and I told her 'I thought you where raped when you said your case is sensitive and you thought we probably have desame issue' which is funny coz do I look like someone who got raped? Then her muslim boss called her that she arrived to picked her up near Jollibee so I accompanied her and a policeman helped carry her stuff and I was curious how her boss looked like & found out she's on old woman & they're going to Marawi City.

Then still pissed by the police who interviewed me awhile ago I went back to the Agora Police Station coz I've decided to have my police blotter just so I could get his name so that I can file an administrative case against him at Regional Internal Affairs Service (RIAS).

So I got the police blotter and I got the name and this PO3 Rafols suddenly is nicer to me probably the police who listened awhile ago told him I had our conversations recorded. But when I told him about my relative that I thought she's kinda out of her mind reporting a simple crime that happened hundreds of miles away here and I told PO3 Rafols that when she said her case was sensitive I assumed she was raped then PO3 Rafols told me she was! And I was shocked! Speechless for a few moments looking into the wall with a blank face. Then I realized how pathetic and useless these policemen really are! People came to the police station askinf for help coz it is their job to defend, serve & protect people not just the good or the bad or the rich but also the poor, we came there not be judge as though we are making stories. And my relative who was raped is a serious crime and they ignored her coz she was raped not in their area of responsibility and they didn't even get her name or took a picture of her or do anything to follow up her case or recommend her to someone, she went there and left untraced by these pulpolicemen as though she was never there! No wonder why criminals are not afraid to do evil coz they know how lame most policemen are & criminals can easily get away with their crimes mocking the police force for their incompetence! I actually experienced another crime in my life that happened in August 2010 not bcoz I am too ashamed to report it to the policemen but bcoz I know they will do nothing about it except giving me embarassment! Like how many crimes went unreported to the police bcoz they'll never get any justice? 

Today January 15 is the day the salary of most policemen will start to double as signed by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte but I beg to disagree coz those who deserves a raise should be the hardworking policemen who solved more crimes from the 'Police Blotter Book'. The salary increase should be performance based!

And lame policemen who ignored a rape victim deserves no recognition and no raise bcoz any sane adult would help any rape victim but PO3 Rafols is an authority and he can use his position to make things happen but he did nothing!👊
The Rape Victim

To be continued...


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