President Duterte's First Year As President 👊

Today is President Rodrigo Roa Duterte's first year as President of the Republic of The Philippines! 

What grade should I give him? Well compared to the previous presidents of this country I should give him a perfect score of 110% but based on his performance there certain things I am not completely satisfied like the ff:

1. Majority of those on the narco lists are still not arrested.
2. Death penalty is still not restored.
3. Majority of the Filipino politicians are still corrupt.
4. There are still corrupt and bad apples in most government agencies since the Daang MaSHABU days.
5. Illegal gambling is still a major problem.
6. His best cabinet member Gina Lopez failed to get appointed.
7. There are still plenty of corrupt and evil pulpoliticians who are not afraid of him and are damaging the reputation of our country to the international scene.
8. Animal abuse is still not a serious crime.
9. The internet connection still expensive and extremely slow.
10. Foreign telcos have not yet allowed to operate in The Philippines.
11. Electricity bills are still overly expensive.
12. Quality healthcare are not affordable to many.
13. Quality education are not totally offered for FREE for the indigent or poorest of the poor. In fact those who are studying from public schools most of them aren't poor coz they always dine in and sip expensive overpriced coffee at Starbucks and taking a selfie using their latest iPhones.
14. Corruption and dishonesty at schools public or private are still rampant.
15. Travelling in The Philippines are still expensive including hotels and lodging.
16. Rent are still expensive to many.
17. Taxes are still very HIGH
18. Government employees alot of them are still lazy like the email of Bureau of Customs does not work and no one will reply texting their hotlines numbers.
19. Red tape are still aplenty in all government agencies.
20. Land Reform Act still sucks! 
21. President DU30 has not yet unleashed the fullness of his powers! People voted him coz we think he can destroy our country's problems as fast as he could like how The Phoenix fight fire with a much stronger fire 🔥 that burned, destroyed and turned to ashes the unbeatable enemy named Apocalpyse within seconds! 

22. He works too much I'm worried about his health. I mean he can still do great things without being seen. Like how The Phoenix can create or destroy a Universe using a mug just with her thoughts! 

23. The Philippine peso has dropped since his presidency. It is good and bad for both ways but it is bad for me at these time coz I am buying an extremely rare pumpkin orange diamond 🎃🍊 worth thousands of dollars! Well I can be selfish sometimes. 😂

But off course PDU30 has done more good in the country and the world in general like the ff:

1. He stopped an impending apocalyptic World War III in the South China Sea to happened. He deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for Peace for that!
2. He made mortal enemies competing superpower nations like China, Russia and USA as buddies again with their leaders in unity and with respect for each other and to PDU30 himself! 
3. PDU30 is a political trendsetter! After he won the Presidency he made a huge impact to the world, in general people love him! That's the reason why newly elected public officials including US President Trump won bcoz most people want a DU30 kind of leadership amd they are looking tough leaders with the exception in France coz I think newly elected French President Emmnauel Macron won bcoz he is too good looking to be ignored. I mean Emmanuel Macron made Canadian Prime Minister looked less hot next to him!  And the secret to winning in politics is your track record but good looks can also really do MAGIC! But damn PDU30 is also very hot 🔥 and handsome and manly during his younger years and I bet his good looking son Baste DU30 will soon be the world's hottest President! After her Sarah DU30 as the world's hottest lesbian President! 💪😂
4. No other administration had attracted so much investments to the country than the PDU30 administration.
5. Most of PDU30 cabinet members are doing very good to excellent job from their respective posts including PNP Chief Ronald Bato Dela Rosa 💎 and former DENR (Department of Environment & Natural Resources) Secretary Gina Lopez, DSWD Secretary Judy Taguiwalo & the recently controversial DOT (Department Of Tourism Secretary)  Wanda Tulfo Teo who' s responsible for The Philippines hosting the 2016 Miss Universe Pageant without costing the government any cent except for security. That's what they call the 'DU30 Effect'!
6. Illegal drugs business is near dead!
7. Over a million drug users have surrendered. 
8. Crime rate have gone down significantly
9. Government is obvoiusly less corrupt compared to before.
9. Filipino pride and nationalism is at an all time high.
10. People have more money to spend.
11. Millions have been lifted from poverty.
12. Jobless rate is lower.
13. Evil people are kinda scared of doing evil deeds.
14. PDU30s sense of humor is more entertaining than Hollywood! ✨
15. PDU30 is Number 1 on TIME Most Influential People in less than a year since he started as President. Now how many politicians can claim that international influence in such a short time? 
16. Businesses is booming even the funeral and memorial park businesses. 😂
17. PDU30 awakened the nationalism and pride and courageous heart to many an indicator of an excellent effective leadership.
18. The DU30 family is very good looking & presentable unlike the retarted looking Aquinos. 
19. He is very down to earth and unpretentious.
20. He is not shy to apologize and say sorry. Remember his Hitler remarks that was purposely taken out of context by the BIAS media and offended Jews? Not long after he is a guest speaker of the Jewish community in The Philippines and was welcomed warmly and there he apologized. 
21. He is relatable to many like he dressed simply, eat cheap foods, sleep like any ordinary man and wears almost no accesories except an automatic watch and his accesories collection are only worth 300k pesos! That way below the value of my bling blings alone. 😂
22. I like his mouth and most people do. He is a tough talker but at least he is not a hypocrite and even Pope Francis II accepts him for who he is. 
23. He got balls to declare Martial Law in Mindanao and possibly the entire nation and we love it! 💖 Better safe than sorry right? 
24. He fired corrupt employees fast even his allies even with just a whisper of corruption are instantly axed. 
25. He likes to make love! 💘 I mean don't be dirty minded he is a loving person he loves all good people and we love him back and in fact he even make love with his enemies that's the reason why alot of possible insurgents didn't pushed through bcoz PDU30 prefers to make love not war!  💞

There's plenty more I could possibly say in random and it could take a very long time to lists all the positive effects that PDU30 have done to this country. On a personal level PDU30 is a father to many, a strict disciplinarian but loving and caring at the same time & unbiased, some of my relatives who used to be addicted to shabu & various addiction are now FREE from the bondage of their bad vices & ate thankful that President Duterte won the Presidency coz if he didn't they wouldn't know where The Philippines would be heading. But with all of these praises & admiration to PDU30 I would give him a passing grade of 95% coz I'm a perfectionist! I am very hard to please so I cannot give him a perfect score and besides who is perfect? He would be like God if he gets a perfect score! 😇

President DU30 is an ultra rare breed of politician seldomly born in this world. He is like a special rare red diamond like this from Leibish and he is truly unique in his own ways. 

I Have A Perfect Song For This! 



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