Father Figure 💪

Since President DU30 was not seen by the public since the Independence Day celebration, the opposition have been maliciously spreading fake news that President DU30 is in coma and rejoicing in the idea of his possible death and the possible return of the Daang MatuWEED which dissapointed and disgusted alot of netizens including me. I am appalled by their lack of respect for our Commander In Chief who's been a father to many Filipinos. I've lost my father last 2013 and I see a father figure in President DU30 just like majority of the Filipinos. There's never been any politician or President I have given this much admiration and respect than with President DU30 coz he brought out the patriotic and courageous heart in many of his supporters and I pray everyday he will be safe coz only him can fix The Philippines and losing him will be like losing a father to most Filipinos. 
So when President DU30 finally revealed himself to the general public last Saturday majority of the Filipinos felt a sigh of relief! And to the dismay of the minority the opposition. You see the yellowtards accused PDU30 of being a tyrant and a dictator but they are still FREE after they made fun of the President and spread false rumors that can be likened to 'inciting to sedition' as they seem to be on the ready to have their fake VP Le Knee Rob Redo replaced President DU30. But not even in their wildest dreams that they'll be able to get back in power to corrupt and fuck up the nation once again! It has been said that the more you wish a good man to die the more he lives longer! So Happy Father's Day President DU30 and to all the father's in the world including my Papa wherever you are in the Cosmos! ✨


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