119th Philippine Independence Day

As The Philippines celebrates our 119th Independence Day we never felt more safe,secure and FREE than ever before bcoz we are comfortable with the current government despite the whole of Mindanao being in the 'State Of Martial Law' and the city of Marawi in a 'State Of War' against the Maute & Abu Sayaff ISIS Terrorist groups who are funded by drug money, mostly involving narcopoliticians in their own city known as 'The Shabu Capital Of The Philippines. 

That is why we urge President Rodrigo Roa Duterte to arrest all those in the 'Narcolist' while the suspension of the 'Writ Of Habeas Corpus' is beneficial in times of the 'Martial Law' to the government and made it easier for us to contain the evils of society. 

The idealogy of the Maute Terror Group as well as all supposedly muslim terror groups in The Philippines is not about religion they are using it to lure muslims who have extremists mindset to join their call, their God is not Allah but money, The root of all evils! They are enslaved why whoever could give them the most and in their case the druglords who owns earns billions of dollars in the illegal drugtrade as their boss and in fact the Maute Brothers themselves are involved in the illegal drudtrade just like most of the politicians in Marawi. All those involved in the illegal drugtrade seems to take side with the opposition and these terror groups including the Abu Sayaff coz it is their last card to have President Duterte ousted in power. They will try to remove him by all means and terrorism is their best way to get international attention and funding. The Maute didn't need to destabilize Marawi coz most of the politicians there are their relatives or their friends or neighbors and they control the people there, they've fucked up their own city making it a living hell a long long time ago where shabu are sold like candies. 

For me I am not afraid of these terrorists coz I feel dead already well not in a bad way but in a good way & besides what's the point of living if you can't feel alive? I'm not afraid of the possible terror threats in my city and the hell I care if I die from bombings just make sure they'll serve their purpose bcoz these muslim extremists groups could further enraged non muslims and could have awakened the extremists mindset of non muslims and they don't want that to happen coz non muslims are still the majority versus the minority for it will be an apocalypse for their own race! 👊



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