Birthstone For April: Diamond💎

The most popular birthstones is the diamond and April born babies are lucky to have the most beautiful, most valuable & rarest gem which is the diamond. Diamond is the hardest substance on Earth but only moderately tough and only a diamond can cut a diamond but may shatter upon impact.

The most popular diamonds are the white diamonds which are mostly slightly tinted brown and yellow and absolutely colorless diamonds are very rare. 

Diamonds with natural colors except brown are extremely rare like opalescent white, grey, black highly saturated yellows, pink, blue, green, purple, red, violet & orange!

However brown diamonds gets more rare & valuable if it have a rare overtone or tint such as yellowish brown, yellow brown, pinkish brown, pink brown, orangy brown, orange brown, reddish brown & red brown!

The most expensive natural color diamond ever sold is a blue diamond that sells for $4 million dollars per carat and blue diamond is not even the rarest color!

According to GIA (Gemological Institute of America) pure orange diamonds is probably diamond's rarest color.

The Orange
Weighing at 14.82 carats of pure fancy vivid orange color and VS clarity was sold by Christie's last November 2013 for an astronomical $35.5 million dollars!💸
Or $2.4 million dollars per carat! 

Can't afford that but I have a smaller version of such rarity that I bought from Leibish & Co. last July 2017!

But of course not everyone could afford it but I'm sure anyone can afford this!

Everybody should own a diamond coz in my case they make me feel special and happy like my pussycats!😻

And I Have A Perfect Song For This!🎼🎸🎧


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