President Duterte's First Year As President 👊

Today is President Rodrigo Roa Duterte's first year as President of the Republic of The Philippines! What grade should I give him? Well compared to the previous presidents of this country I should give him a perfect score of 110% but based on his performance there certain things I am not completely satisfied like the ff: 1. Majority of those on the narco lists are still not arrested. 2. Death penalty is still not restored. 3. Majority of the Filipino politicians are still corrupt. 4. There are still corrupt and bad apples in most government agencies since the Daang MaSHABU days. 5. Illegal gambling is still a major problem. 6. His best cabinet member Gina Lopez failed to get appointed. 7. There are still plenty of corrupt and evil pulpoliticians who are not afraid of him and are damaging the reputation of our country to the international scene. 8. Animal abuse is still not a serious crime. 9. The internet connection still expensive and extremely slow. ...