Emerald's 2nd Birthday!! 💚

Emerald celebrated her 2nd birthday last Friday May 26, 2017 after she was missing for over a week! I was worried and looked for her for days. I was about to hire a detective and put missing cat placards with a reward all over the town until Emerald came back early morning of her birthday! When I noticed her and called her name she answered back and rush towards me purring! She lost alot of weight and I fed her and then she was happy reunited with her kittens and adopted kitten and adopted brother. I never felt this happy when she came back that I go went to the newly opened mall to buy goodies for her birthday. A small celebration full of love. 💚 I wish Emerald to live a thousand years with me and her love ones and there's no power on Earth can change it! Those who are wondering why I named her Emerald it's because she was born in May and the birthstone for May is Venus stone (goddess of love and beauty) the emerald. And name have powers like magic spell and...