In Memoriam 😿

I just recieved a bad news today and I felt as bad as the death of my father. The bad news is the cat named Yin Yang from our house in Novaliches Quezon City died weeks ago. She was so loving to me the first time we encountered last August to September 2011 sleeping with me all the time & licking my nose and forehead (the equivalent of kiss to cats. I promised to get her back but like I always did to cats that I promise to bring with me I never returned.

On consolation everytime my mother visits our house in Novaliches she did desame to my mother probably bcoz my mother and I kinda look alike she probably felt the same presence of me when she's with my mother.

Yin Yang

She now joined Pokwang, Diamond💎 & the cubs of Brilliante💍 named Safir, Safiro & Safira in the pet Heaven as well as I assumed Yang Yin is also dead coz the last time we saw him was December 2015 while he's trying to get into my mother's room, he went astray for years visiting us occasionally and he got a major skin disease but I love him otherwise & never made him felt less loved. Months after he went missing I saw a old's cat skeletons under our roof so I assume it was his but bcoz I haven't seen him anymore since December it is safe to say he's gone.😿

Yang Yin

Yang Yin & Pokwang

Diamond💎Burial Ceremony

Safir, Safiro & Safira💙


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