Happy 1st Birthday Earth🌏, Air💨& Garnet❤🎉🎂🎁

T oday is the first birthday of Earth, Air and Garnet! Earth🌏 Air💨 Garnet❤ Though Garnet the stray cat was born ahead of the two but since she finds her way to me in January last year I made it her birthday also today. Spaghetti with sardines and cheese They're all time favorite! Earth eating the pasta... Air eating the pasta... Garnet already left after eating Whiskas! I didn't prepare anything fancy for their birthday just their favorite foods like Whiskas, and cheesy pasta with sardines and the mini cakes are just bought over the counter but it doesn't matter coz me as a birthday host wearing my valuable bling blings made from ultra rare natural color diamonds made this simple occasion unlike any other! Blowing the candles...💨🔥💨🔥💨🔥 The guests are all the felines in house and Happy the dog🐶coz Snoopy is already sleeping while Emerald's litters are not yet allowed to leave my room. Even Beauty the stray cat ...