R.I.P Emeraude

Emeraude along with 3 other litters was born somewhere in May I assumed at the first week. Her mother is a neighbor's cat, the mean cat that onced killed my kitten but I've forgiven. Obviously I became her master so she boought her litters to our house a few weeks later.

From the 4 llitters Emeraude is my favorite coz I like his creamy white fur with small patches of orange spots on his head & the entite tail. He looks alike his sibling from a previous birthing named Jesus who was kidnapped by our neighbor's kid.

Though Jesus is healthy Emeraude is obviously tiny from the rest of the litters.

And though I am saddened by his death it was somehow expected. Natural selection tends to victimized the weaklings.

Emeraude's last moments are so depressing to watch...

Emeraude died in the evening after dinner I assumed. I did the best I could to save him but because God is a loving God (sarcasm) He took the life of this cute and beautiful baby kitten who's just 45 days old I assumed. 

I am so depressed I couldn't even do the funeral arrangement the same day. I buried Emeraude at the dawn the next day.🌅

Though I am greatly saddened by the death Emeraude I always try to remain positive coz I still have plenty of beautiful things to be thankful and grateful for. 

Anyway someday all is going to be well!

But for now it is time to be sad and be broken hearted💔and I need it to be stronger so that I can face life's challenges easily in the future.

But I just can't help being regretful coz what if Emeraude lives? He's one of the favorite playmate of  Blue Garnet and Emeraude's litters are also feeling his absence and I'm worried that two of them also had this stupid incurable feline distemper God created that kills cats within a day or so & broke the hearts of people.

God is so cruel! Why would he let this happened of He is really all powerful!? This is not freewill this is plain neglect and bullshit!

How could he create something so precious and then destroy it in no time at all!?

Though Emeraude dies young but he is lucky to have live a short life full of love from his fellow family, friends, tribe & above all me!

There are however other homeless cats and kittens that contracted this viral diseases and died unloved, uncared and alone in the street and left to rot on the road.

I was looking for a cheaper vaccine for distemper but it is no longer available at the feeds and poultry supply shop that costs only 250 pesos while it would costs thousands at the vet clinics. These greedy vet doctors like human doctors who connived with greedy lawmakers that passed law that meds can't be bought without a prescription making healthcare even more costly! 

The current government should change it back so that more cats could be saved and more people could be saved from being broken hearted.

For those who are saying why can't you send them to vets!? Well I am not God so I cannot be perfect! I can only save as I wish in fact I have over two dozens of cats and kittens now which means I am not that bad but if I am God no one will ever die!

I hope this music video will inspire others to be kind to animals specially those that needs the help the most.

It is about a stray black cat and a homeless man and the two can relate with each other. The black cat being falsely considered bad luck and a homeless man being looked down for being worthless has to live in a cruel, judgemental and insensitive world where no one seems to listen or to care or give t least a pity. 

Now tell me if God is good how could He let someone live miserably like this black stray cat and this homeless man!?


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