Movie Reviews
🌟🌟🌟 Only 3 stars coz it is kinda boring and I watched this movie coz of the hype though it got some positive reviews to many but I was not entertained to say the least. However this movie is so moving especially for those who are bullied & who suffered mental problems. The moral lesson this movie taught me is that the people we think are the weakest & damaged emotionally are actually physically the strongest & wisest like in this movie the female lead star who's got some mental issues are the lone survivor of a kidnapping while the other normal girls got killed which made the psychotic killer who was also bullied & suffered a serious mental illness proud & realized that people like him can actually be better than normal people especially when faced with incredibly difficult situation they shine like a rising phoenix untapped their full potentials when needed & when they do its as if no one can beat them. 🌟🌟🌟🌟 One of my favorite movie franc...