Today is President Rodrigo Roa Duterte's 2nd State Of The Nation Address or SONA. As expected his speech is long and entertaining to the delight of the live audience and those wathching on tv like me. He addressed about his accomplishments & what are the most important things his administration should prioritize such as elimination of destructive mining, creating jobs, healthcare and the traffic problem as well as putting a stop on rebellion, insurgencies, terrorism and the passage of the death penalty bill. He also addresed the nation on those that needs further strenghtening such as the 'war on drugs', criminalities and corruption. But the truth is I don't really need to hear what he's done or continue to do and what he accomplished coz over 85% of the Filipino people felt the change he promised during the election & year after he sat into office we are satisfied with what he is doing to our country and we trust him that what he does and will do is...
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