R.I.P Esmeraldo & Rubi II

L ast July 5 around 4am Esmeraldo finally succumbed to death after battling & surviving an illness for over a week & unfortunately died. I buried him the next day around 9:30 AM Named after a precious stone 'emerald' this picture depicts Esmeraldo being carried to the 'Rainbow Bridge'🌈up there to the skies with twinkling stars living eternally in his Heavenly abode where he can ran wild & free.😻 Then a few days ago my favorite cat Earth had a miscarriage and it would have been her first baby. As you can see the baby looks premature that's why it didn't live long. I actually helped plucked it out from my cat's pussy coz she can't fully removed it or deliver it our I saw something huge that is stuck something in her butthole while she's appears oblivious about it & it is it is already red so assume it's dead but it's a sensitive video so I will only show them upon request. And I Have ...