The Painting That Speaks To Me!🎨

(Lighthouse) 'Oil Paint On Canvas' by Akina P. Rolida
Weeks ago I stumbled upon this painting by a young girl named Akina P. Rolida & I fell in love with this artwork instantly. Of all the paintings I've seen in my life this one speaks to me the most. I love everything about it; the Full Moon, The Lighthouse, the beach, the ocean waves and the red flowers that stands out in this deep, mysterious, provocative & romantic painting. The lighthouse and the Full Moon🌚seems to be like a beacon of hope amidst the dark navy blue midnight skies with no stars in sight as the gloomy weather started to brighten with the fullness of the Moon.🌕

It really reminds me of myself coz I love to hide in the shadows for quite a while and then at times I just came out from hiding & step into the light to reveal all of me!

I've been trying to contact the artist for weeks but she has not got my reply yet and based on my investigation she is rich so I assume it's not for sale & you know how possesive rich kids are for their prized possesions coz they considered everything they like as priceless!

Though there's minor scratches on the painting upon closer inspection but it can easily be restored since it is painted just 2 years ago & any restoration wouldn't affect its value. But I was hoping if the price is right I wouldn't have any hesitation to buy this artwork that speaks to me or else losing something like this that I truly liked & loved would be another greatest lost in my life.

Then I contacted her teacher and he asked her parents if it is for sale and today I got bad news he confirmed to me it is not for sale! For a second it broke my heart.💔Coz I know that's the end for my desire for this for now. Her teacher promised me that I can commission him to do another lighthouse painting and as Akina's art teacher he could have painted better but I told him there's no guarantee the painting will speak to me like this painting of Akina and I love everything about this painting to me it is already perfect & I doubt any painting could be this great coz paintings are unique like everyone's love story & colored diamonds & when they're gone, they are gone forever! The ones that speaks to your heart the most is the most beautiful & best for you or the greatest love of your life even though there maybe others in this world that can be better but the ones that's closest to our heart is the most important and worth everything & we always go back to the ones that have the most meaning to our hearts.❤💚💙💜💖


 And I Have A Perfect Song For This!🎼


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